D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> A developer using SQLite in their product should never have to mess  
> with SQLITE_CORE.  The SQLITE_CORE macro is for internal use only.  If  
> you find a case where you think you have to set SQLITE_CORE manually  
> in order to compile SQLite, that is bug - either in SQLite itself or  
> in your use of SQLite.
> D. Richard Hipp

Wondering if there was a way to prevent the FTS3 source getting built,
I looked at the source to find that it would *not* get built if
SQLITE_CORE was defined.

** The code in this file is only compiled if:
**     * The FTS3 module is being built as an extension
**       (in which case SQLITE_CORE is not defined), or
**     * The FTS3 module is being built into the core of
**       SQLite (in which case SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3 is defined).
#if !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3)

The only way to set this would appear to be at compile time,
using -DSQLITE_CORE in the CFLAGS, but this in not currently
in my build file.

Hence to remove the FTS3 code from my binaries I surely need to
-DSQLITE_CORE during compilation.

So this must be a case where I need to set it manually !?


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