I create a DB and only one table in the DB. There are 3641043 records in the DB 
file. Min id is 27081364, Max id is 30902585.

I did follow operation:

sqlite> delete from XXX where userId>30900000 and userId<30902000;

took 1’32’’


sqlite> delete from XXX where userId>29000000 and userId<29902000;

spent 3 hours and 33minutes and  26secs


The table schema:


   userId            integer primary key,

   userName          varchar not null,

   c1    varchar not null,

   c2     bigint not null,

   c3      varchar,

   c4         varchar not null,

   c5  varchar,

   c6    varchar,

   c7         bigint default 0,

   c8        bigint default 0,

   c9           integer default 0,

   c10           integer default 0,

   c11         integer default 0,

   c12         bigint default 0,

   c13           bigint default 0,

   c14         integer default 0,

   c15            integer default 1,

   c16        varchar,

   c17            varchar,

   c18     varchar , 

   c19      integer default 0, 

   c20      varchar default '', 

   CONSTRAINT xxx_key UNIQUE (userName, c1, c4, c7)


CREATE INDEX idx_1 on XXX(c7);

CREATE INDEX idx_2 on XXX(username,c8);

CREATE INDEX idx_3 on XXX (c5, c8);

CREATE INDEX idx_4 on XXX (userName);

CREATE INDEX idx_5 on XXX (c1);

CREATE TRIGGER xxx_limit_size after insert on XXX when ((select max(userId) 
from XXX) - (select min(userId) from XXX) > 10000000) begin delete from XXX 
where userId < 1000 + (select min(userId) from XXX); end;


The table is complex. 







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