Thomas Briggs wrote:
>    Ultimately it'll depend on your schema and the query you're
> running, but you're probably better off creating an index that covers
> the SELECT query you're executing.  That should make the query fast
> and save you the hassle of writing and maintaining triggers.
>    The later post about transactions probably won't help given that
> you're asking about SELECTs rather than INSERTs/UPDATEs.
>    -T
Thanks for the reply, i already have an index in place and it does 
improve matters significantly. However the performance is still much 
slower than a pre compiled table - which of course makes sense. I did 
think the CREATE TEMP VIEW would cache the result and therefore provide 
exactly what i was looking for, but according to my speed tests this 
isn't the case. I think i am on the right lines by creating a temporary 
table with the precompiled results for maximum read out speed.


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