Look up the implications of Sqlite's ACID feature and the use of 
transactions.  COMMITs are tied to disk rotation speed.  On our Sqlite 
databases where we look for performance we use 15,000 rpm disks and are 
diligent in wrapping INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs in transactions and 
get very good results.

The Sqlite B-Tree indices do slow down on insertion as extra levels are 
created in the index as it grows large.  That is an inherent feature of 
such structures.

Julian Bui wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> First off, I'm a database and sqlite newbie.  I'm inserting many many
> records and indexing over one of the double attributes.  I am seeing
> my insert times slowly degrade as the database grows in size until
> it's unacceptable - less than 1 write per millisecond (other databases
> have scaled well).  I'm using a intel core 2 duo with 2 GB of ram and
> an ordinary HDD.
> I am trying to figure out why some of the other databases (firebird,
> mysql, berkeley db) have provided constant insert speeds whereas
> sqlite has not.  Now I do not mean to say anything negative about
> sqlite, because there's a good chance I'm not doing something right.
> Aside from not having the db perfectly tuned, I think I probably have
> bigger problems like not having a suitable index or database
> structure.
> I don't know much about how sqlite does its indexing.  My index,
> (CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS IDX_DDD on MYTABLE(ddd)), does not really
> tell the database how to make use of my data.  Since records are
> inserted into the database so that ddd is sorted (record i's ddd field
> is less than the ddd field of record i+1) the database should know
> about this to index it quickly.  I figure a clustered index would
> help, but I haven't seen any way to do this in sqlite.
> It would really benefit me if someone could help explain maybe basic
> lower level details about how sqlite is indexing, or maybe provide
> some other insight as to why the database insert times may be slowing
> down as the database grows.
> Thanks in advance,
> Julian
> <code>
> //ps is a prepared statement
> ps = conn.prepareStatement("CREATE table IF NOT EXISTS MY_TABLE(aaa SMALLINT
> ps.execute();
> ....
> ps = conn.prepareStatement("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS IDX_DDD on MYTABLE
> (ddd)");
> ps.execute();
> ...
> dataInsertPs = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT into MY_TABLE(aaa, bbb, ccc,
> ddd, eee) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";);
> //every dataInsertPs gets added to a batch and committed every 1000 records
> </code>
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