Hi Roger,

I got your mail id from one of my friend - I am facing some issues while
working with Sqlite 3.6.4, could you please clarify those things.

Actually I am upgrading Sqlite for one product from Sqlite 3.2.5 to Sqlite
3.6.4 version.

I have dowloaded *sqlite-amalgamation-3_6_4 *from sqlite site it contains 3
files *sqlite3.c,sqlite3.h,sqlite3ext.h* and prepared Visual studio dll
solution by including these files in to the project to create *Sqlite3.dll *out
put executable.

For the same project I have added below macros in to project settings to
improve the performance of Sqlite queries.











I have another Visual studio test application where I am using this
Sqlite3.dll functionality, I have linked statically to Sqlite3.dll by
including *sqlite3.c,sqlite3.h,sqlite3ext.h* , files in to my test
application project. And am linking through *Sqlite3.lib* which I generated
using *Implib.exe. *Everything is linked and built successfully.

If I compare the performance result of Sqlite 3.2.5 and Sqlite 3.6.4 version
for same set of select queries - Sqlite 3.2.5 is better than Sqlite 3.6.4.

So my doubt Is I have enabled above macros in the project settings of
Sqlite3.dll, do I need to define above macros in the project settings of my
client application also because I am linking statically to Sqlite3.dll.

Do you know what is the right way to check for the performance of queries
because in the Sqlite editor - time shown for the same Query executed more
number of times is not consistent.

I tried executing queries on Sqlite 3.2.5 and Sqlite 3.6.4 dll's directly
through Sqlite Editor - there I took average of 5 executions of query but
there also Sqlite 3.2.5 is better than Sqlite 3.6.4 version.

I have totally 70 queries with me - I have to provide maximum performance
improvement of queries from Sqlite 3.6.4 than Sqlite 3.2.5 version. So what
is the right aproach (Macro's which will boost the performance) I have to
follow to measure and improve the performance.

And client side do I need to enable the macro's while statically linking to

Plz reply me back as soon as possible - I need to complete this task within
this week.

Thank you very much.

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