Am 19.11.2008 um 13:05 schrieb D. Richard Hipp:

> On Nov 19, 2008, at 3:08 AM, Jens Miltner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we're seeing terrible performance problems when fetching data from  
>> one
>> of our tables:
>> The table contains roughly 1.2 Million rows and a plain "SELECT
>> COUNT(*) FROM t" query takes 8 minutes to finish.
> That's because "SELECT count(*) FROM t" has to read and count every
> row in the table - all 1.2 million rows.  And this involves reading
> all 1.2 million rows from disk.  If each row is 100 bytes in size,
> that involves reading 120MB.
> An SQLite database does *not* maintain the number of rows in a table
> as separate metadata.  Many client/server database engines do maintain
> such metadata.  When I was designing the SQLite file format, I
> deliberately choose to omit such metadata because including it would
> slow down inserts and deletes.

Yes, I know about this and it's usually not a problem.
It only turned into a problem for this specific table.

As I mentioned in my original e-mail, after vacuuming the database,  
the time to run the COUNT(*) query went down to about 5 seconds, so it  
looks like somehow the database became fragmented enough to seriously  
hit the performance of the serial row access...

BTW: we don't actually run the COUNT(*) query, but we see major  
performance hits after a while with this table, so I figured I'd run  
the most simple query first and found that the time needed for  
COUNT(*) goes through the ceiling (from something like 5 seconds to  
almost 9 minutes -  roughly a 100x time increase) after having deleted  
and re-inserted rows in that table for a while.

Any ideas why there would be such a _huge_ performance hit after  
deleting and re-inserting records for a while?
Anything we can do to avoid this kind of performance-penalty- 
fragmentation (other than regularly vacuuming)?


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