2008/11/19 wojtek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hiall,
> I have a problem with a query that I thought is easy. I have a database
> containing a following data:
> CREATE TABLE [Magazyn]
> (
>    [IdMagazyn] integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT ,
>    [IdMat] integer,
>    [Partia] varchar (10),
>    [Ilosc] integer,
>    [DelK] integer DEFAULT 0,
>    [Mdata] integer
> )
>  Then,  I have the following data in this Table:
> Id    IdMat     Partia  Ilosc  DelK
> 1    6    1457714    900    1
> 5    6    1457714    900    1
> 6    6    1457714    480    1
> 7    6    1476051    900    0
> .
> .
> .
> and as a result of the query I need to select a list of 'Partia'  for a
> choosen IdMat, that meens (example IdMat=6):
> Id      IdMat      Partia
> 1         6             1457714
> 7         6            1476051
> 14       6            1479230
> and of course 'Partia' number is selected only once.
> How should this query look like?

select IdMagazyn, IdMat, Partia from Magazyn where IdMat=6 group by Partia;

> Regards
> WojciechW.

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