
> Depending on your setup and depending on how often you need to query the 
> count you could trade off a higher INSERT time for a lightning fast 
> count by using a trigger.

I have thought about that as well, yes. I have bulk-Inserts that 
prepropulate the table with a starting set of about 300k records and 
then peridioc updates that may UPDATE OR INSERT a few thousand of those 
every other hour.

There are more frequent queries for the count than updates, so having a 
"cached" count is a good idea anyway.

So I would split the process: Do a COUNT(*) to update the cached count 
after the Bulk-INSERT (where I would want to drop or deactivate the 
trigger) and use the trigger to track the updates.

I have a similar two-fold approach regarding indexes. They get built 
after the bulk insert and are then active during the updates.

Thank you for your suggestion.

Ciao, MM
Marian Aldenhövel, Rosenhain 23, 53123 Bonn
"Du chillst nicht, Du hängst doch nur faul rum!"
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