          I compiled the latest amalgamation under MacOSX 10.3.9 and while the 
compilation completed successfully, the
dynamic library created does not have a file ending of ".dylib". I 
would have expected the library created to be named 
"libsqlite3.0.8.6.dylib" but it was named just "libsqlite3.0". This is 
what the installed libraries look like:

4914583 lrwxr-xr-x   1 root wheel         12 Dec 27 04:50 libsqlite3 -> 
4914582 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root wheel    1105976 Dec 27 04:50 libsqlite3.0
4914584 lrwxr-xr-x   1 root wheel         12 Dec 27 04:50 
libsqlite3.0.8.6 -> libsqlite3.0
4914587 -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel    1229020 Dec 27 04:50 libsqlite3.a
4914585 -rwxr-xr-x   1 root wheel        795 Dec 27 04:50 libsqlite3.la

I tried compiling the amalgamation but the libraries produced 
were named identically. The program I use which depends on SQLite for 
database support functions normally and I assumed it was using the 
static library. I also tried renaming the library and the links to it 
with .dylib file endings but then the sqlite3 command line program 
would not work, complaining that libsqlite3.0 was missing. I am 
concerned that if I need to run a program which needs a dynamic SQLite 
library I will have problems. Anyone have any ideas about what is 
wrong? I have compiled the SQLite amalgamation in the past and the 
dynamic library created was named properly but that was in the 3.5.x 
                                                Take care,

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