Hi again,

Just hoping that someone might have an answer to my question about
".dump".  I just tried it again on a different database with a similar


On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 2:39 PM, Webb Sprague <webb.spra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> When I run ".dump" on a small table I created at the prompt, it works
> fine.  But when I try to run .dump on a big table it only gives me the
> table schema, pauses, then stops (see below for example).  It happens
> when I run in batch  from the command line, too.  I am able to select
> from the large table just fine ('select count(*) from nlsy79;' gives
> 25374, group by's work fine, etc.).
> I am working with a modified 3.6.7 codebase (edited various max_*
> modified to be very large).  Though I can't imagine why that would
> matter, unless there is something that won't dump unless under a
> certain max.
> (Note that I am not looking for solutions that require that I truncate
> the table or get rid of columns, because of the nature of the
> problem.)
> Example 1, first table, works fine:
> sqlite> .dump blah
> CREATE TABLE blah (i int, s text);
> INSERT INTO "blah" VALUES(10,'blah blah');
> Example 2, second table, notice lack of insert statements:
> sqlite> .dump NLSY79
> CREATE TABLE NLSY79 ( "Obs" integer
> , "R0000100" integer
> , "R0000149" integer
> , "R0000150" integer
> --... (SNIP some 2000+ columns)
>  , "W0072300" integer
> , "W0072400" integer
> );
> Thanks for all the help!
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