htizo schrieb:
> G'day,
> Using sqlitev2.8.17 in php5 is there a way to look up a table for similar
> strings (case insensitive)?
> i.e. If I have the string "BLADEcatcher"
> I want to find "blade_catcher" or "bladecatcher1" or even "bladecatcha"
> so say 60% - 70% of characters the same.

sqlite 2.8.17 is from the stoneage..., why not use something more recent?

There are various options here.
Not sure what would work with 2.8.17 though...

- use fulltext search support fts3 and hope the tokenizer/stemmer does
  something useful to your strings

- use the soundex() function to calculate soundex values for your stored
  strings and try to match with the soundex value of your search string

- write your own similarity function and use it like soundex() or in a
  having clause.

- explode your stored strings into bi- or trigrams of letters and match

Typical thing to look for is Levenshtein distance, which you might know from
n-gram matching

I would guess that n-gram matching is your best bet...


Michael Schlenker
Software Engineer

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