On Jan 9, 2009, at 3:16 PM, Lukas Haase wrote:
> SELECT t.topic, t.length
> FROM printgroup AS pg1
> LEFT JOIN printgroup AS pg2 ON pg1.printgroup = pg2.printgroup
> LEFT JOIN topics AS t ON t.topicID = pg2.topicID
> LEFT JOIN topic_ids AS ti ON ti.topicID = pg1.topicID
> WHERE ti.topic_textID = 'XXXX'
> ORDER BY pg2.topicID ASC;

You seem very fond of using LEFT JOINs in places where they do not  
make good sense.  What is it that you think a LEFT JOIN does?  How is  
a LEFT JOIN different than an ordinary inner JOIN?  I ask because I  
suspect that your answer will reveal misconceptions about LEFT JOINs  
which, when rectified, will cause most of your performance issues to  
go away.

D. Richard Hipp

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