
Dear Duncan,

thanks for taking on this job!  I have recently started using SQLite  
quite heavily from Perl scripts -- it is astonishingly efficient, even  
for simple queries on a 70 GB database (Google's Web 1T 5-gram  
database, in case someone's curious) with Perl callback functions --  
so I'd be more than happy to see an up-to-date version of DBD::SQLite.

Since I'm lazy enough to rely on OS-provided SQLite installations on  
various computers, I'm using at least three different old versions of  
SQLite in parallel, DBD::SQLite being the oldest of all ... (no  
compatibility problems at all, though, so kudos to all SQLite  

>> I have been stuck back at 3.4 for various issues.
>> I do Perl and C and offer some help.

Same here.  I feel reasonably at home both in C and Perl, and I've  
written some simple XS code.  I don't have any experience with DBI,  
which seems to have its own method of compiling C extensions for DBD  
modules (from a quick look at the DBD::SQLite sources).

Just let us know how/whether we can help you!

Best regards,
Stefan Evert

[ stefan.ev...@uos.de | http://purl.org/stefan.evert ]

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