On 21/01/2009 10:09 PM, Paolo Pisati wrote:
> It seems i'm having an hard time with dates in sqlite:
> sqlite> .schema
> CREATE TABLE `envelope` (`smtp_id` int(10) NOT NULL, `date` date NOT 
> NULL, `time` time NOT NULL, `mailq_sndr` int(10) NOT NULL, 
> `delivery_sndr` int(10) NOT NULL, `customer_sndr` int(10) NOT NULL, 
> `rpath` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `domain_rcvr` varchar(200) NOT NULL, 
> `user_rcvr` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `size` int(10) NOT NULL, `res` 
> int(10) NOT NULL, `msg` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `ip` int(10) NOT NULL, 
> `vsmtp` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `retries` int(10) NOT NULL);
> sqlite> select date from envelope where date > '2009/01/20' limit 3;
> 2009/1/7
> 2009/1/7
> 2009/1/7
> why?

Because "1/7" > "01/20" ... think about it, "1" > "0"
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