On Sun, 25 Jan 2009 18:29:28 -0000, "RB Smissaert"
<bartsmissa...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in General Discussion
of SQLite Database <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>:

>Would it be possible to make a SQLite file un-usable by overwriting bytes in
>certain places and then (via an encrypted password) make the file usable
>again by putting the right bytes back in the right places?
>I use a VB wrapper that can encrypt the database, but I am using this SQLite
>file on a Windows Mobile device and the SQLite wrapper used there can't do
>I can do this quite easy by picking some fixed bytes at the beginning of the
>file, but it then is too easy to pick this up by comparing with a normal
>SQLite file. So, maybe I need to overwrite sqlite_master, but will it be
>possible to always find the start and end of that part of the file?
>Thanks for any ideas about this.

If the security is important to you, it might be worth to
invest in SEE, the proprietary, licenced, SQLite Encryption

It makes sure only your application can access the database.
  (  Kees Nuyt
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