On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 01:32:57PM +0100, Kees Nuyt wrote:
> If the replace statement is the same every time, you only
> have to prepare it once. As drh said, to be able to help you
> more, we need the schema and more detailed code.
> prepare()
> begin()
> while data_available{
>       bind()
>       step()
>       reset()
>       [ clear_bindings() ]
> }
> commit()

You might also prepare all statements at app startup time, which users
might expect to be slow anyways, and maybe in a separate thread if there
is other initialization work to do that can be done in parallel.

If the schema changes, forcing you to re-compile your statements, and
they really take that long to prepare, then have some sort of UI
indication of this.  Hopefully you can keep the frequency of schema
changes down.


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