
I am having a small problem with an sqlite3 v3.5.6 database being accessed from 
within python 2.5 (import sqlite3 as sqlite).

The database has been working correctly with the exception of the following 
There are 17 tables with the first table being a dataset index table with three 
columns (index, name, datetimestamp).  All other records have various columns 
one being a field that stores the index reference to this first table.  
Therefore we can access different datasets.

If we create several datasets each with an incremental index (1,2,3, ...n) in 
the first table, we can then delete the last dataset n and recreate a new one 
with same name and index number; no problem.

The problem results when we delete a dataset less than n (last created).  When 
any dataset 1 thru n-1 is deleted and we attempt to reenter its information, 
the following happens:

1. Delete all records from all tables where the dataset id is lets say 3 (with 
n > 3)
2. Then insert all data related to dataset id 3.
3.. The data set index table entry is successful with index=3, name set to the 
original name and new datetimestamp.
The second table to be updated gets the its first record inserted correctly, 
corresponding to this dataset.
The third and subsequent tables however fail to accept the insert and sqlite 
declares an "sqlite3.OperationalError" with database is locked.

This operation using the last set of data entered does not report this same 
error and completes correctly.  For example if we had only three datasets in 
the case above, then it would have completed successfully.  As a special case 
if we only have one single dataset (i.e. n=1), then we can repeat the operation 
successfully until we drop dead.  We can insert all the original data in every 
table, delete the data, then recreate the same data, and repeat.  As soon as a 
second dataset is created we can repeat the process with records that pertain 
to dataset 2 only, any attempts to do the same to dataset 1 causes the 
"database is locked" error.

Does anyone can help with this?  It seems to me that sqlite corrupts the index 
when it is deleted, hence perhaps we cannot reuse the same index number.


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