Hi Puneet,

I don't know if you can intercept a query with a trigger the way you're
intending (maybe this is possible in sqlite?), but if I may make a
suggestion, get in the habit of starting your every session on a crucial
database with a transaction. The moment you login:

sqlite> BEGIN;

Take a good hard look at the number of rows affected after every operation,
check all the data before you end your session, and then either commit it,
or rollback the changes:

sqlite> COMMIT;
sqlite> ROLLBACK;

Hope that helps (Time Machine certainly rocks, yeah?)


On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 8:06 AM, P Kishor <punk.k...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I had asked this a while back but I think my query got Warnocked.
> I would like to create a TRIGGER (or a CONSTRAINT) that throws an
> error if an UPDATE query is run *without* a WHERE clause. This would
> prevent accidentally mucking up the entire database, which, believe
> you me, I have done more than once, and have been saved only by the
> magic of Time Machine.
> The TRIGGER would allow a full UPDATE of the table only by using some
> special syntax in the query... like say, by adding something like
> WHERE 0=0;
> --
> Puneet Kishor
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