On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Vance E. Neff <ven...@intouchmi.com> wrote:
> Can I do the
> select last_insert_rowid();
> to determine the new index value
> After the COMMIT command?

Yes, but I am not sure what you mean by the "new index value"... keep
in mind, the last_insert_rowid() returns, well, the last inserted

> Vance
> Igor Tandetnik wrote:
>>Vance E. Neff <ven...@intouchmi.com> wrote:
>>>Just to be straight, I would use the Query:
>>>SELECT last_insert_rowid() AS TheNewKeyValue FROM TableX
>>No, you would just do
>>select last_insert_rowid();
>>Or you could call sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() API directly.
>>Last inserted ROWID is the property of a connection, not of a table.
>>Igor Tandetnik

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