On 20/02/2009 9:23 AM, BareFeet wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thanks again for your discussion.
>> "Double Entry" book keeping is actually a misnomer.  A transaction  
>> is very likely to have more than two entries.
> Yes, I realize that, though most Transactions generally have just two.  
> In any case, if there are n entries in a Transaction, we only need n-1  
> of the Entry amounts in order to deduce the remaining amount. SQL (or  
> more generally, set theory) normalization suggests that explicitly  
> storing a redundant record (in this case, the nth amount) is not  
> ideal. I understand that double entry bookkeeping traditionally uses  
> the redundancy as an error check, but that seems more appropriate for  
> manual paper systems, since computer systems can validate entries  
> automatically.

That's just fine and dandy at data entry time. However do please 
consider that one ill-considered action by a support programmer can 
cause a whole lot more damage a whole lot faster than a book-keeper with 
a green eyeshade and a quill pen. Redundancy is *GOOD*. It lets you 
detect errors. With sufficient redundancy you may even be able to 
correct errors.

> So I wondered if there's a normalized approach to  
> double entry bookkeeping.
>> The "transaction ID" I mentioned is a locally generated reference ID  
>> to tag the particular complete transaction, which might include  
>> postings to a bank account, sales, cost of sales, inventory etc.  It  
>> is not conventionally used, but confers great advantages when it is  
>> implemented.  It lets you locate the balancing entries for any  
>> accounting transaction.  In other words given any element of an  
>> accounting transaction you can complete the T Account.
> I think you actually called this the "Cross Reference" and I called it  
> "Transaction ID". But, yes, I understand using it in each Accounting  
> Entry that is part of the same Transaction, in order to group them  
> together. All Accounting Entries in the same Transaction should sum  
> their Amounts to be zero.

Oh. I thought you wanted to store only n-1 amounts and "deduce" (i.e. 
guess) the last one.

>>> You seem to suggest storing the date for each entry within a  
>>> transaction. Would it not be better to store it once only for the  
>>> transaction as a whole, since each entry will share that same date?
>> Dating each accounting transaction aids in creating a unique ID.
> I understand the need to date a Transaction as a whole (therefore  
> storing the Date in the Transaction table), but it seems redundant and  
> denormalized to store the same date in each constituent Accounting  
> Entry. It doesn't make any of the Accounting Entries more unique  
> (since they all by nature have the same date).
>> Normalizing it out is nor necessarily an advantage.
> I can see disadvantages of requiring multiple updating (changing the  
> date in one Accounting Entry requires updating the Date for all other  
> Accounting Entries that are part of the same Transaction), wasted  
> storage etc. I can't see any advantages.

Some people would go into severe shock-horror mode at the suggestion of 
"updating" the transaction date after it was entered. They would prefer 
to reverse out [not delete!] the presumably erroneous transaction and 
write a correct one.

Concerns about "wasted storage" were understandable when a DASD held 
(say) 50Mb and was the size of a washing machine. That's a long time ago.

> Or perhaps you actually also meant to imply that Date should be stored  
> once for the Transaction (not for each Entry within it)?
>> It has been my observation that accounting data is generally stored  
>> in poorly thought-out data structures which then require layer upon  
>> layer of logic to overcome the deficiencies.
> Thanks then for your insight into the matter :-) I want to get it  
> right from the outset. In my experience poor normalization  
> necessitates layers of fixes down the road.
> Here is the basic schema from before. I welcome any direct suggestions  
> about the schema:
>>> create table "Accounting Entry"
>>> (
>>>       ID
>>>     , "Transaction ID"      --> "Accounting Transaction".ID
>>>     , "Account ID"          --> Account.ID
>>>     , Amount
>>>     , Operator              -- plus or minus

Do you mean Amount is always non-negative and Operator tells you whether 
it is DR or CR?

>>> )
>>> ;
>>> create table "Accounting Transaction"
>>> (
>>>       ID
>>>     , Date
>>>     , Description
>>> )
>>> ;
>>> create table Account
>>> (
>>>       ID
>>>     , Description
>>> )
>>> ;
> Thanks,
> Tom
> BareFeet
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