On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 09:05:29 -0500 (EST),
mrobi...@cs.fiu.edu wrote in General Discussion of SQLite
Database <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>:

>Dear sqlite users group,
>I am new at SQlite3 and I would be very thankful for your help.
>I read that SQlite does not require installation, so I downloaded the
>Precompiled Binaries For Windows and run sqlite3.exe in windows xp, no
>problem, however, I have some gcc C programs that I run in windows xp
>"dos" shell and in Linux and Unix, same code, just recompiled in its
>corresponding OS. I would like to use SQlite3 with these gcc C programs.
>Reading thru the users group postings and in google in general, I came to
>the conclusion that some kind of installation may be required, but I have
>not been able to find instructions about it. Please guide me to get this
>issued resolved so that I can start creating great apps with SQlite.

Download the amalgamation.
Compile it to create the SQLite library.
Start without SQLITE_* defines, the defaults are Ok.
Write your program.
Link the SQLite library with it.
Later, optimize SQLITE_* defined when needed.
For platforms yet unknown to SQLite, you may have to write
your own OS interface functions (sqlite3_vfs).


>Thank you very much
>Michael R

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