On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 16:25:28 +0300, Alexey Pechnikov
<pechni...@mobigroup.ru> wrote:

>I did try
>$ sqlite3 :memory:
>SQLite version 3.6.11
>Enter ".help" for instructions
>Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
>sqlite> attach database 'merch.db' as work;
>sqlite> create view test as select * from work.users;
>SQL error: view test cannot reference objects in database work

A view or trigger in one database is not allowed to
reference tables (or other views) in other databases. The
reason is, the schema of the main database (in this case
your :memory: database) would be invalid once the main
database is opened without the attached database, or after
detaching it.

This should work though:
sqlite> create view work.test as select * from work.users;

Also, you can SELECT .... JOIN across databases, but you
can't store that as a view in any of the databases.

Remember, a view isn't much more than a stored select
statement, so it's not as bad as it seems.

>But it's work some time ago! 
>How can I create view for attached databases now?

You can't, but you can create it in the attached database.

>Create table is bad becouse attached database may be huge.

You can select directly:
select * from work.users;

>Best regards.
  (  Kees Nuyt
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