REPKA_Maxime_NeufBox wrote:
> ->> Why is it possible to change data not defined in the constraint :
> Exemple : enter TEXT if the column is INTERGER ??
>                  enter 25 caracters if column is declared VARCHAR(15) ??
> I thought i will get an error return
> See exemple below :

As Martin has already pointed out, this is expected behavior due to 
SQLite's more flexible manifest data typing extensions to SQL.

However, you can explicitly add the equivalent constraints to your table 
definitions if you really want them. For example:

    create table t (
        a varchar(15) check (length(a) <= 15),
        b integer check (typeof(b) = 'integer')
    insert into t values('one', 1);
    insert into t values('two', 'three');
    insert into t values('one hundred twenty three million...', 123456789);

Dennis Cote
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