"Andrea Galeazzi" <galea...@korg.it> wrote in
message news:49be74fd.6060...@korg.it
> I red this article on wiki:
> http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p=ScrollingCursor
> I've got a similar case but the difference is that I've to use LIKE
> operator instead of =
>  SELECT title FROM tracks
>        WHERE title LIKE %Mad% AND ((title=:last_title AND id>:last_id)
> OR ((title>:last_title)) ORDER BY title,id;
> id is the primary key and I created an index for (id,title).
> My question is: will the previous query be actually faster then just
> only using OFFSET and LIMITS even if I also need a LIKE operator on
> title column?

SQLite won't be able to use the index to satisfy LIKE condition. So you 
should concentrate on the other clauses. An index on (title, id) should 
help. For greater effect, change the query to

SELECT title FROM tracks
WHERE title LIKE %Mad% AND
  title >= :last_title AND
  (title>:last_title OR id>:last_id)
ORDER BY title,id;

Igor Tandetnik 

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