
p i couldn't do php -i (bash: php: command not found), may be i have to 
p install the cli php?

Yes, the cli php is optional.

p $base = new PDO("sqlite:$dbname", 0666, $err)

I don't think you need the other arguments for PDO. Something like:

if ($base = new PDO("sqlite:$dbname)) {
  if (False === $base->exec("CREATE TABLE ...")) {
    print "didnt work";
} else {
  print "no db";

might work. The query method is more for getting results back, which you 
don't need for creating a table. The exec method returns the number of 
rows affected, which is probably 0 for CREATE TABLE, so testing for False 
is what you want to do.

p $db->query(....)

Or, maybe $db should be $base, as in your example above?

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