It is not an open source project but you are welcome to access to the 
source code.and notes.

The intent of the project is to provide a highly efficient application 
server for AJAX support of browser-based IT networks.  To that end the 
design criteria were:
  o  Minimize process and thread creation and destruction.
 o   Avoid inter process communication
 o  Minimize buffer shadowing on network traffic
 o  Provide a highly efficient generator of HTML pages from data using SQL.
o   Provide generation of charts from datab using SQL
 o  Maximize traffic by using compression where it can help.
 o  Implement  stored procedure capability for the database
 o Provide a secure RPC mechanism for XMLHttpRequest traffic from browsers.

A simple server page generation language which uses a compiled byte code 
format with resolved addresses efficiently creates HTML pages from 
templates and SQL.  Embedded Sqlite provides efficiewnt database access 
from within the server process and the  use of sendfiletTransmitFile 
network API minimizes buffer shadowing..  The end result is the ability 
of processing an AJAX-style transaction involving database access on a 
slow server and client machine in 20-30mS.  That elapsed time includes 
network latency and the time spent processing Javascript in the client 

The HTTP primitives are all custom coded from first principles to speed 
parsing and general processing.

As a simple HTTP server this program serves HTML pages and CGI processes 
with minimum overheads.

Should you have an interest in examining or using all or part of this 
software contact me at and I can make a URLavailable.

dcharno wrote:
> John Stanton wrote:
>> I have an HTTP server wj\hich embeds Sqlite as well as a custom page 
>> generation language, and compiler and a remote procedure call interface 
>> for AJAX functionality and Javascript as an embedded scripting 
>> language.  It runs on Unix/Linux and conditionally compiles for 
>> Windows.  It uses a sinngle process with a pool of threads to handle 
>> multiple users.
>> The RPC mechanism protects it from SQL injection attack.  It also 
>> implements GI and SSL plus data compression..
>> Embedding the database code in the application server by using Sqlite 
>> gives an efficient application environment where there is not a 
>> proliferation of processes and process/thread generation and 
>> destruction.  Performance is good..
>> Source is all in simple C.
> Sounds interesting.  Is this an open source project hosted somewhere?
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