Hello All,

I have DB's with 5 Gb worth of images in them and I find the
performance to be more than acceptable for my purpose which is storage
and display. The images are in the 250K to 3 megabyte range in size.
The benefit is that you have everything in one place so, moving things
around is easy.


Friday, March 20, 2009, 11:55:18 AM, you wrote:

RS> Nuno wrote:
>> Yeah, a religious question, i know, but what's recomended?...
>> I have a small site that may have some images for some products. Said
>> products may also have descriptions. I have other small sites and one
>> where i'd like to manipulate large texts (say around 5 paragraphs...
>> ~5000 characters).
>> What's recomended: to store strings that are the /path/to/textfile or
>> /to/image.jpg? Or to store the image file in the database? the text
>> file in the database? Which datatypes to use?

RS> This is a very good question, and you must ask it every time you consider
RS> blobbing. It turns out that all things being equal, there is a size at
RS> which blobs work better, and over which the file system is appropriate.

RS> Here is a discussion paper:

RS>    http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx?id=64525

RS> This paper was written some time ago (2006), and technology moves, CPUs,
RS> networks and disk drives get faster, memory larger, and some operating
RS> systems become more bloated. As various aspects which affect this high
RS> water rule of thumb change, so must your confidence in the actual high
RS> water mark number.

RS> Because you are using (?) SQLite, a number of variables are different than
RS> accessing a client/server database, but as it seems that you are going to
RS> squeeze the data through a web server, other bottlenecks may apply. 
RS> Experimentation is recommended, but the real qualifier will come at 
RS> saturation point.

RS> Rob Sciuk
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Best regards,
 Teg                            mailto:t...@djii.com

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