Two possible solutions:

A) pure sql ... (warning: untested)  Start with all the possible col1
values, and then left join to the other tables, and pick the first
col2 found.

select col1,
  coalesce( A.col2, B.col2, C.col2 ) as col2
from (
  select distinct col1 from (
    select col1 from A
    select col1 from B
    select col1 from C
  ) as u
) as tmp
left join A using (col1)
left join B using (col1)
left join C using (col1)
order by col1

B) This is potentially very easy at the application level ... here's a
perl/DBI example (also untested):
my %pairs = map {
  %{ $dbh->selectall_hashref("select col1, col2 from $_", 'col1') }
} reverse qw/ A B C /;
# This next line is optional, if you want the hash values to be col2's
instead of hashrefs:
$_=$_->{col2} for values %pairs;


On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Matthew L. Creech <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm hoping someone here can help me out with a query.  I have multiple
> tables, each with the same schema.  For example:
> =========
> Table A:
> =========
> 1|"xxx"
> 2|"yyy"
> 3|"zzz"
> =========
> =========
> Table B:
> =========
> 1|"xxx222"
> 3|"zzz222"
> 5|"www"
> =========
> I'd like a SELECT statement that yields:
> =========
> Result:
> =========
> 1|"xxx"
> 2|"yyy"
> 3|"zzz"
> 5|"www"
> =========
> In other words, I want the UNION of all the input tables, but if there
> are multiple results that have the same value in the first column, the
> first table's value should take precedence.
> This seems like a common scenario, so I'm probably missing something
> trivial.  :)  But so far, the only way I've figured out to do this is
> with something like:
> (SELECT 1 AS precedence, col1, col2 FROM A UNION
>  SELECT 2 AS precedence, col1, col2 FROM B
>  ORDER BY col1 ASC, precedence DESC)
> GROUP BY precedence
> ORDER BY col1 ASC;
> (Just an example, I've got several other columns that have to be
> sorted on, and there can be any number of tables).  This seems to do
> what I want, but it takes an order of magnitude longer than the inner
> SELECTs do on their own (i.e. without the GROUP BY which eliminates
> rows with duplicate 'col1' values).  Any ideas on how I could do this
> more efficiently?
> Thanks!
> --
> Matthew L. Creech
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