On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:48 PM, John Machin <sjmac...@lexicon.net> wrote:
> On 26/03/2009 9:48 AM, JoeT wrote:
>> I am trying to run sqlite3 on Solaris 8.  I have managed to compile it- and
>> install it.  Basic read and write to a database works fine.  However when I
>> use the where command or the delete command it crashes on me and says bus
>> error.  It then does a core dump.
>> Here is my configure line:
>> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/sqlite --sysconfdir=/usr/local/sqlite
>> --enable-readline --enable-threadsafe
>> Make -s
>> make install
>> Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or maybe some other compile options would
>> be appreciated.
> IIRC boxes running Solaris are bigendian, most of the rest of the world
> is littleendian ... perhaps this is relevant to your problem.

Apple's PPC based machines are bigendian... sqlite compiles and works
just fine. Has to be something specific to his build.

Puneet Kishor
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