
wrap your inserts in a transaction.
 $q = sqlite_query("begin");
before your loop, and
 $q = sqlite_query("commit");
after your loop of inserts.


Anton Rifco wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I would like to ask a question about sqlite in php. I don't know if I am
> sending this message to the right place, but I don't know where else to ask.
> Lately, I read in http://www.sqlite.org/speed.html, that sqlite is a bit
> faster than mysql and postgreSQL. But, when I perform a little testing yo
> compare them in php, I got a contrast result.
> For both testing, I use this table :
> CREATE TABLE test (a varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY, b varchar(20), c varchar(20),
>                           d varchar(20), e varchar(20),  f varchar(20),
>                           g varchar(20), h varchar(20),  i varchar(20), j
> varchar(20))
> for that table, I perform 5000 insert for both sqlite and mysql :
> here's for sqlite code :
> =============== sqlite-test.php ===============
> $time_start = microtime(true);
> $db = sqlite_open('pegawai.db', 0666, $sqliteerror);
> for($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++)
>             {
>                 $sql = "INSERT INTO test VALUES
> ('a$i','b$i','c$i','d$i','e$i','b$i','b$i','b$i','b$i','b$i')";
>                 $q = sqlite_query($db, $sql);
>             }
> sqlite_close($db);
> $time_end = microtime(true);
> $time = $time_end - $time_start;
> echo "executed in $time seconds\n";
> =========================================
> and here's for mysql code :
> ============= mysql-test.php ================
> .............
> $time_start = microtime(true);
> for($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++)
>         {
>             $sql = "INSERT INTO test VALUES
> ('a$i','b$i','c$i','d$i','e$i','b$i','b$i','b$i','b$i','b$i')";
>             $q = mysql_query($sql);
>         }
> $time_end = microtime(true);
> $time = $time_end - $time_start;
> echo "executed in $time seconds\n";
> ..............
> ===========================================
> when I run those 2 script, the first one (sqlite) run for 43.4918169975
> seconds, while the second (mysql) only take 0.52137298584 seconds.
> It means that sqlite run 80x longer than mysql did (very contrast with the
> one I read in http://www.sqlite.org/speed.html).
> Please tell me where do I did wrong. Thanks very much.
> Regards,
> ------------------
> Anton Rifco S
> Student of Informatics Department
> School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
> Institute Technology of Bandung
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