> this is how I create the db, table and index.
>     rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "CREATE TABLE probes (probe STRING unique);", 
>     rc = sqlite3_exec(db, "CREATE INDEX probe on probes (probe);
> ",  NULL,
In addition to what the others have said you should also see a 
substantial speedup, and reduction in your database size, if you 
eliminate the redundant probe index. The unique constraint on the probe 
column in your table causes sqlite to automatically create an index 
nearly identical to the one you are adding manually. It uses that index 
to efficiently enforce the uniqueness constraint.

As it is, your database contains one table and two indexes, each of 
which contains a copy of every probe string your table (i.e. three times 
several million strings).

If you know your data doesn't contain any duplicate strings, the fastest 
approach would be to remove the unique constraint from the table. Then 
add all your data to the table (inside one or more transactions), and 
finally create a unique index on the strings after all the inserts.

CREATE TABLE probes (probe STRING);


CREATE UNIQUE INDEX probe on probes (probe);

Of course this won't work if you are relying on the unique constraint to 
eliminate duplicate strings in your data.
Dennis Cote
sqlite-users mailing list

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