I don't quite understand blobs yet so help is needed...

Here's my database:

 a  INT,
 b  TEXT,
 c  BLOB

int write_foo(int a, char *b, void *c, size_t len)
  int i;
  char cmd[1024];
  sqlite3_stmt *stmt;

  sprintf(cmd, "UPDATE foo SET c=? WHERE a=%d AND b='%s';", a, b);

  i = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, cmd, strlen(cmd)+1, &stmt, NULL);
  if (i != SQLITE_OK) printf("1 i=%d\n", i);

  i = sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, 1, c, len, NULL);
  if (i != SQLITE_OK) printf("2 i=%d\n", i);

  i = sqlite3_step(stmt);
  if (i != SQLITE_OK) printf("3 i=%d\n", i);

  printf("i=%d\n", i)
  return i;

What am I doing wrong here?

I'm always getting "3 i=101" but if I use the command line tools and
do "select * from foo;" I see nothing, like the database is empty and
update didn't work.
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