On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 8:58 PM, Vinnie <thev...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Sorry for asking such a basic question, and it seems I know the answer but I 
> would like a confirmation.
> If I am executing the same SQL statement from multiple database handles to 
> the same database file, I still need to prepare a distinct sqlite3_stmt for 
> each connection, even though the SQL statement is the same and the database 
> is the same. It seems that the database handle is "bound" to the statement, 
> and there is no way to specify which database you want to use after the 
> statement has been prepared.

I know nothing about threads (except what I wear), but you answered
your question above -- the db is specified in the db handle. The
statements are bound to each db handle. It doesn't matter whether the
statements are the same or different, or meant for same or different
db... the statements belong to a db handle, and the db handle
specifies the db.

> Right?
> Thanks
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