That last query should be:

       SELECT showing.startTime
         FROM showing
        WHERE showing.startTime >= 123923000
          AND showing.stationId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT channel.stationId FROM 
channel )
     ORDER BY showing.startTime
        LIMIT 8;

I forgot the order by.



On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:07:15PM -0600, Jeremy Hinegardner wrote:
> How about trying:
>       SELECT s.startTime
>         FROM ( SELECT  showing.startTime AS startTime
>                       ,showing.stationId AS stationId
>                   FROM showing
>                  WHERE showing.startTime >= 1239230000
>               ORDER BY showing.startTime
>                LIMIT 8 ) AS s
>         JOIN channel AS c
>           ON s.stationId = c.stationId
>     ORDER BY s.startTime, c.ChannelMajorNumber
> I believe this should limit your table of 100,000 rows down to just the 8 you
> want on the inner query, and then join that against the 100 rows in the 
> channel
> table.
> Although, to tell you the truth, I don't see the purpose in your original 
> query:
>     SELECT showing.startTime 
>       FROM showing 
>       JOIN channel 
>         ON showing.startTime >= 1239230000 
>        AND showing.stationId = channel.stationId
>   ORDER BY showing.startTime, channel.ChannelMajorNumber 
>      LIMIT 8;
> You are not doing anything with the channel table data other than joining it
> agains the showing tables.  To me that means you are joining against the 
> channel
> table in order to filter out rows in the showing table that have stationId's
> that do not exist in the channel table.  
> Is that correct?  If that is correct, then the query I gave will not do what 
> you
> want.  
> Can the goal you are attempting be stated as?
>     Find next or earliest showings from the showings table for channels in the
>     channel table?
> If this is the case, maybe this query will work:
>       SELECT showing.startTime
>         FROM showing
>        WHERE showing.startTime >= 123923000
>          AND showing.stationId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT channel.stationId FROM 
> channel )
>        LIMIT 8;
> enjoy,
> -jeremy
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 08:58:56PM -0700, sorka wrote:
> > 
> > Writing the query as you said you would returns results in nearly instantly,
> > within a few ms. 
> > 
> > The problem is when you add a secondary ordering field. The intended indices
> > are being used.
> > 
> > The problem, as I've explained several times already is that there is no way
> > to create a multicolumn index across tables. Sqlite is using the stationId
> > index on the channel table to join showings via the stationId. The query
> > plan shows it clearly. When ordering by startTime or even startTime and
> > stationId, the results are returned in a few ms. But when adding channel
> > number(i.e startTime and then channel number), it jumps to two minutes. This
> > is because sqlite is bringing in nearly 100K records from the showing table,
> > sorted by time, because of the startTime index, before it starts sorting by
> > channel number. It would sure be nice to be able to get sqlite to sort on
> > the channel number for each time group. i.e. once all the 10:00 PM showings
> > have been returned and the first 10:30 PM showing is about to be returned,
> > sort all of the 10:00 PM showings by channel number. Sqlite is NOT doing
> > this but should. 
> > 
> > At this point, I'm going to assume that this is just a limitation in the
> > sqlite engine and I'll have to proceed in other ways to solve this issue.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Ian Walters wrote:
> > > 
> > >> SELECT showing.startTime FROM showing JOIN channel ON  
> > >> showing.startTime >=
> > >> 1239230000 AND showing.stationId = channel.stationId ORDER BY
> > >> showing.startTime LIMIT 8;
> > > 
> > > I don't know if it would be faster... but I would have written that.
> > > 
> > > SELECT showing.startTime FROM showing JOIN channel USING (stationId)  
> > > WHERE startTime < 1239230000 ORDER BY startTime LIMIT 8.
> > > 
> > > Also I know in the latest version of SQLite its possible to 'hint'  
> > > what indexes should be used, which might be helpful.  There is also  
> > > something on the contrib page that lets you check a query to see what  
> > > indexes it does use.
> > > 
> > > Sorry if the above lacks detail, its kinda a busy day.
> > > 
> > > --
> > > Ian
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> > > sqlite-users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > -- 
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>  Jeremy Hinegardner                     
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 Jeremy Hinegardner                     

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