> From: wiktor <siri...@o2.pl>
> Subject: [sqlite] Newbie question about using SQLite with
> Windows Forms application (VS 2005 C++)
> I'm trying to build a win form application that uses
> sqlite. I have problems with making it  work. I would like
> to have the sqlite source included in my project (as .h file
> or dll) - sth similar to (but done by a function)
> http://www.sqlite.org/quickstart.html. As I have read on
> internet sources it shall be possible. 

I have never used Windows Forms but from what I understand it is a user 
interface toolkit for .NET. So you will need to access SQLite from .NET. There 
are a few ways of going about this.

Here is one .NET wrapper for SQLite:

The SQLite website has some instructions for building SQLite with Visual Studio 

Hope this helps!

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