Hi All,
I read the document about "File Locking And Concurrency IN SQLite Version 3" 
about the "Transaction Control At The SQL Level" as below:
   "If multiple commands are being executed against the same SQLite database 
connection at the same time, the autocommit is deferred until the very last 
command completes. For example, if a SELECT statement is being executed, the 
execution of the command will pause as each row of the result is returned. 
During this pause other INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE commands can be executed 
against other tables in the database. But none of these changes will commit 
until the original SELECT statement finishes"

So I have serveral questions:
    1) : If I have mulitple commands which are used the same SQL database 
connection then all commands after the first won't commit to the database if 
the first one is not completed"
    2) Is that sqlite3_reset will be the command to completed the statement?
    3) From document above it seems like the "Autocommited" is for each SQLite 
database connection - So if I have serveral commands are using the same 
connection then is there any command that I can use to commit each individual 
command but not wait until the first statement finishes.

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