
We are using SQLite 3.3.6 via Realbasic & the REALSQLDatabase plug-in. Over the 
past few weeks we have had calls from different customers stating that the 
documents that they have been saving from our application (a sqlite database) 
are now empty.

I have received the database from the customer and when I step through the 
statements I get the following RB error when I perform a select on one of the 
SQL logic error or missing database

If I open the database using SQLiteManager (an OS X GUI application) I get 
several errors (including the following) when I analyse the database:
*** in database main ***
Page 5517: initPage() returns error code 11
Page 5518: initPage() returns error code 11
Page 5491: initPage() returns error code 11
On tree page 22 cell 58: Child page depth differs
Page 5508: initPage() returns error code 11
Page 5510: initPage() returns error code 11
Page 5520: initPage() returns error code 11
Page 5584: initPage() returns error code 11
Page 5758: initPage() returns error code 11
On tree page 17 cell 15: Child page depth differs
Page 5817: initPage() returns error code 11
Page 5993: initPage() returns error code 11
Page 6172: initPage() returns error code 11
Page 6362: initPage() returns error code 11
Page 6582: initPage() returns error code 11
Page 515 is never used
Page 516 is never used
Page 517 is never used
Page 518 is never used
Page 519 is never used
Page 520 is never used
Page 521 is never used
Page 522 is never used
Page 523 is never used

When we received the first report of the problem we passed it off as a problem 
with the user's computer. However, we have now had at least 5 of the reports so 
we now need to find the cause of the problem.
Here is more info on what we are doing:
1. The database is always ran single user.

2. A new database file is always created on the local hard disk every time the 
user saves.

3. AutoCommit is disabled.

4. synchronous is OFF (we have stopped setting this in the new build of our 

5. The databases are encrypted.

We are now in a position where we are going to have to tell the customer that 
they are going to have to start again. This is going to be very upsetting as 
they will have spent a long time creating this document (my guess is that they 
won't have a backup).

What we are looking for is help in trying to understand why the problem is 
occurring and what we can do to prevent it. If anyone could help trying to 
restore the database file that would also help us.

Best Regards,
Kevin Gale
sqlite-users mailing list

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