I'm trying to find the best and most efficient way to build a "select" query
that uses "in" from C-code where the number of values in the list varies
from query to query. The sql statement will look something like this:

    select * from table1 where name in (name1... nameX)

I've found two approaches that work:

- Build the sql statement by creating a long string where the entire list is
sprintf'd into a buffer and it is passed to sqlite3_prepare_v2 before
calling sqlite3_step

     select * from table1 where name in (name1, name2, name3)

- Build an argument string and put that in the sql statement before it goes
to sqlite3_prepare_v2

     select * from table1 where name in (?, ?, ?)

then bind the values one by one using sqlite3_bind_text before calling

Both work, but as the values I'm searching for varies for each query both in
the names and the number for names searched for reusing a prepared statement
isn't possible.

Is there a way I can prepare the select and supply a variable list of values
to look for in a bind later on?

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