On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Mitchell L Model <m...@acm.org> wrote:
> I may be misreading the select-core diagram on 
> http://www.sqlite.org/lang_select.html  but it appears that the down-arrow 
> that would allow a query without a FROM clause should not be there. Is it 
> really possible to have a SELECT with no FROM? If so, could someone provide 
> an example; if not, would someone maintaining the documentation make a note 
> of this? Thank you.


An use-case could be when you need to pass results to a function
expecting table result data, but you actually have const data. Instead
of having a select from some table (that must exist for the SQL to be
valid), you can just issue a select with no "FROM" clause.

sqlite> select 1,"Some Data" UNION select 2, "Some More Data";
1|Some Data
2|Some More Data

Note that although this is not standard SQL, some other engines also
have similar features, for example, Oracle let's you do "SELECT 1 FROM
DUAL", where "DUAL" means "not really from any table". In Oracle you
could use it, for example, to get the server date/time so you could
sync your client application clock. As SQLite is not a server, most
pratical examples are for running user defined functions.

The documentation could be ommiting this, but it's an esoteric enough feature.

~Nuno Lucas

> --
>    --- Mitchell L Model
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