Nikolaus Rath <> wrote:
> How can I determine the rowid of the last insert if I am accessing the
> db from different threads? If I understand correctly,
> last_insert_rowid() won't work reliably in this case.

Last inserted rowid is maintained per connection. Do your threads use 
the same connection, or each create their own?

If all threads share the same connection, it is your responsibility to 
make "insert then retrieve last rowid" an atomic operation, using thread 
synchronization mechanism of your choice. Just as with any access to 
shared data.

> I can't believe that I really have to do a SELECT on the data that I
> just INSERTed only to get the rowid...

I'm not sure how this helps, if another thread can insert more data 
between your INSERT and SELECT. Wouldn't that suffer from the same 

Igor Tandetnik 

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