

We need to implement fast


Insert into users ItemID, Name

Select ItemID, Name from users where itemActive = 1;



The short description is: we need to copy many records of a table in the
same table but changing the "Name" value. So we have added a new function
which process the names:


Insert into users ItemID, Name

Select ItemID, newName(Name) from users where itemActive = 1;


That works great but we need one more step: how to much the pairs "item
comes from the Select <-> new item result of the Insert". We need to track
the copy history: itemID -> newItemID.


One way is to select and insert the old ItemIDs (ordered by.) and then use
the same "order by" in the "Select". So every item in the select will much
the exact item in the already stored "itemIDs". I am not sure if that is a
correct logic.


Any help is very welcome!




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