Gene Allen wrote:
>'s happened again and I've decided that I need to track this down
> once and for all!
> Here is what I'm seeing: I get errors when I do a integrity_check (see
> below), but I can .dump it to a text file and then .read it into another
> database ok.
> It seems to me that I'm screwing up an index or something.  Are indexes
> stored at the end of the database file?  All I can think of is that my
> compression/encryption routines are messing something up and I'm trying to
> figure out 'where' to look.  
> I guess the real question is, what would I have to do to make an
> integrity_check fail, but still let a dump work correctly?
> Many thanks for any advice on tracking down this ugliness.


Personally, I'd refactor the code to allow me to verify the operation of 
the compression/encryption routines independently of the database 
operation.  How are you injecting the compression/encryption into the 
database layer?

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