Vincent Arel <>
> I'm very, very new to SQLite, and would appreciate any help I can get.
> I have 3 long vectors that look like this:
> {"ALB","CAN", "DZA",...}
> {"ALB","CAN", "DZA",...}
> {"1961","1962", "1963",...}
> And I want to create a table that looks like this:
> ID    Var1    Var2    Var3
> 1    ALB    CAN    1961
> 1    ALB    CAN    1962
> 1    ALB    CAN    1963
> 2    ALB    DZA    1961
> 2    ALB    DZA    1962
> 2    ALB    DZA    1963
> 3    CAN    ALB    1961
> 3    CAN    ALB    1962
> 3    CAN    ALB    1963
> 4    CAN    DZA    1961
> 4    CAN    DZA    1962
> 4    CAN    DZA    1963
> 5    DZA    ALB    1961
> 5    DZA    ALB    1962
> 5    DZA    ALB    1963
> 6    DZA    CAN    1961
> 6    DZA    CAN    1962
> 6    DZA    CAN    1963
> In short, I need to include every possible pair of Var1/Var2 values
> (where Var1/Var2 != Var2/Var1. I want to keep permutations.). For
> each of these pairs, I need to create separate rows for each
> different value of Var3. I also need to drop rows where Var1 == Var2.
> Finally, I would like to generate a unique ID number for each
> Var1/Var2 pair.

What exactly do you mean when you say you "have vectors"? Are you 
writing a program in some language that has a notion of a vector? In 
this case, I'm pretty sure this language also supports loops iterating 
over those vectors, as well as incrementing integers.

The easiest solution would be a set of nested loops iterating over those 
vectors. Inside the most nested loop, you would have all the data 
necessary to generate one record in the database, at which point you can 
run a regular vanilla INSERT statement using SQLite API.

Igor Tandetnik 

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