On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 1:04 AM, Roger Binns <rog...@rogerbinns.com> wrote:
> But wait, there is more.  If rows store the same password then they will
> have the same hash which means if either user sees the file they can
> compromise the other user.  In addition crackers have generated tables
> mapping all letter and number combinations for possible passwords up to
> a certain length and their hash values, called rainbow tables.  Yes this
> is a large amount of data - one rainbow table is a 64gb download.  But
> you can simply find a matching hash value and corresponding string that
> made it.  The defense against this attack is to add random data to the
> password before hashing it, aka salting.  You can store the salt in the
> clear.  That helps considerably against the rainbow table attack and
> also means that different rows having the same password will have a
> different hash due to the different salt.
>  http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000949.html
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_table

I often wondered about this, but never followed it up because of
laziness. Thanks for the clear explanation.

Puneet Kishor http://www.punkish.org/
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