On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 2:22 AM, Fam. Sera <fam_s...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Is there a reason why the command line interpreter supports more functions 
> while the dll does not?
> I would like to create an application using SQLite with and in memory 
> database. I have some big text files (csv), which can be imported nicely by 
> the command line interpreter using the .import command. However when later 
> on, I'd like to manipulate data, using the DLL - or it's compiled version - 
> in my application I cannot access the in memory database created earlier 
> using the command line interpreter. Obviously the DLL open command creates a 
> new in-memory database instance. On the other hand, the DLL itself does not 
> offer the great .import or .output functionalities..
> I wonder why the DLL version does not support those dot commands supported by 
> the comand line version?

The "command line version" is not a version -- it is an application
created with sqlite, the library (in your case, the dll). The dot
commands are convenience utilities added to the application. You could
perhaps create your own application using the dll that does the same
as the command line version does.

> Best regards,
> Zsolt Sera
> Vienna
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