
I'm using SQLite for an academic project, through Java's JDBC
(sqlitejdbc-0.5.4.jar). After executing a simple select, i can iterate
the ResultSet all the way (showing to output), no problem. The
problem, which may be silly, is that i need to get a row count so i
can initialize a variable.

I tried using rs.getFetchSize() but it returns 0. This is the only
method i could relate to "getting number of rows" from the method

I tried rs.last(); but get "SQLException: ResultSet is
TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY" and wouldn't be able to get back anyway.

I tried iterating the set and using rs.isLast() but i get
"SQLException: function not yet implemented for SQLite".

I know this si more related to JDBC than SQLite, but maybe someone can
give me a hint?

Nuno Magalhães

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