> * Getting rid of the old files - I'm on Windows and would need to see
> the equivalent way of your Unix suggestion.

I don't think you have good options here. One option is to make
continuous retries while remove() returns error. Another option I
believe would be to change SQLite code to open databasses with
FILE_SHARE_DELETE flag. In this case you will be able to work the same
way as on Unix.


On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 3:24 PM, Mohit Sindhwani<m...@onghu.com> wrote:
> Pavel Ivanov wrote:
>> I'd create another special file (maybe even database) that will keep
>> information about current file that your program should be working
>> with. So separate process will create new database and then update
>> this file. And program will just read this file and then work with
>> database mentioned in the file. If you work on Unix you even will not
>> have problems deleting old databases - after updating this special
>> file just unlink old database and after last file handle to it is
>> closed it will be gone...
> Hi Pavel
> Thanks for your (blazing fast) reply.  I did think of something like
> this though I was thinking of something like a sqlite database file to
> store the recent file.  That said, I was concerned about a couple of things:
> * I guess there could be times when I would get database busy errors -
> but that can be dealt with using a minor delay if it happens.
> * Getting rid of the old files - I'm on Windows and would need to see
> the equivalent way of your Unix suggestion.
> But this does seem like an interesting way to proceed!  We have used
> SQLite for other things in this system and it really seems faster
> compared to an un-optimized instance of PostgreSQL running on the server.
> Cheers,
> Mohit.
> 6/9/2009 | 3:24 AM.
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