In addition to what was already said, if you absolutely to omit the 'name'
from the final result set, you should be able to put the result of the union
in a temporary table.

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmp` (`id`, `url`, `selected`, `name`);

SELECT id,  url,  selected, name FROM db1.test  UNION
SELECT id,  url,  selected, name FROM db2.test
ORDER BY name ASC, id DESC LIMIT 100);

SELECT `id`, `url`, `selected` FROM `tmp`;

Takes a little more CPU, but gets the job done. Although my expertise is
more on the MySQL side, so Sqlite might have some kind of limitation I don't
know about.

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 1:20 PM, <> wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Jun 2009, Simon Slavin wrote:
> >> SELECT id,  url,  selected, name FROM db1.test  UNION
> >> SELECT id,  url,  selected, name FROM db2.test
> >> ORDER BY name ASC, id DESC LIMIT 100"
> >
> > I would add to Marin's answer that reading the above, I have no idea
> > which database the column 'name' is in.  Suppose db1 and db2 both had
> > a 'name' column.  Which one would it be.  So it might be better to use
> >
> > SELECT id,  url,  selected, name FROM db1.test  UNION
> > SELECT id,  url,  selected, name FROM db2.test
> The answer to the question 'If both had a name column, which one would it
> be?' is both. The UNION operator creates a resultset having a single name
> column which contains values from both tables. ORDER BY operates on this
> combined resultset, it cannot distinguish between the name values
> contributed by db1 and those contributed by db2. The ordering is only
> performed on the combined results, not on the separate SELECT clauses.
> Once the UNION is generated, there is only a single name column to be
> sorted. So the 'ORDER BY' shown above gives the same results as
> if you entered 'ORDER BY name'. The 'db1' prefix is ignored in this
> context.
> The question "suppose both had a name column" may reflect a
> misunderstanding of the UNION. Each SELECT clause of a union must
> contribute the same number of columns, thus, it is not possible to have
> 'name' coming only from one SELECT clause and not the other. For instance,
> this will fail:
>  SELECT id,  url,  selected, name FROM db1.test  UNION
>   SELECT id,  url,  selected       FROM db2.test;
> It fails because the first SELECT has 4 cols, the 2nd has 3. If db2.test
> in fact does not have a name column, but you want include name values from
> db1, you need to use a placeholder like this:
>  SELECT id,  url,  selected, name FROM db1.test  UNION
>   SELECT id,  url,  selected, NULL FROM db2.test;
> or this
>  SELECT id,  url,  selected, name FROM db1.test  UNION
>   SELECT id,  url,  selected, ' '  FROM db2.test;
> The result of these queries will have values from db1 for name, but the
> name column for data contributed by db2 will be NULL/empty.
> Chris
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