> > I'm looking for suggestions on how to store and retrieve events for a 
> > calendering system in SQlite.
> > 
> > For each user there must be:
> > 
> > 1) All day events on a specific day.
> > 2) All day events that are repeated over a given date range.
> > 3) All day events that are repeat each day from until canceled.
> > 
> > 4) Time specific events on a specific day.
> > 5) Time specific events that repeat daily over a given date range.
> > 6) Time specific events that repeat each day from now until canceled.
> > 
> The general way this is done, and especially if you want to be
> compatible with standards such as vcal/ical is to store events with a
> repeating rule.  The rule may be something like the 1 st of each month
> or every Friday.  You also store the begin date/time and end date/time
> (the end could be blank or some date far in the future).
> See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICalendar
> > 1) How should I be structuring the DB so to store this data sanely.
> The above is the easiest way if you want to do imports and exports.

I'm not sure what you mean....  

The icalender format is rather complex, and I don't see an obvious mapping to 
SQL table design. (Even for the small subset I need.)
> > 2) How should I query the DB for a list of events that are scheduled at any 
> > given moment. (across all users.)
> > 3) How should I query the DB for a list of events that are scheduled in any 
> > given time interval?  (across all users.)
> Those are pretty much the same thing.  The simplest way is to read in
> all events that have a begin date before the interval and an end date
> after the interval, plus all exceptions that apply to them.
> In terms of what happens next, my solution was for a particular date to
> calculate all entries that apply (using repeating rules and exceptions).
> One you then have the set of entries for the day you can decide how to
> proceed with them (for example sort by start time) and what to do about
> overlapping ones.  Also note entries from the previous day may apply
> such as if the event started before midnight and finished afterwards on
> the calculation day.

Where is this calculation being done?  In SQL?  At the app level?  How?

Is there an SQL query that can retrieve a list of events for a certain time, or 
this not doable sanely in SQL? 

Thank you,


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