On 13/06/2009 1:08 AM, Allen Fowler wrote:
>> What are you doing about timezones and DST? Are "start" and "end" UTC? 
> For v1, all local times.  UTC is not a requirement yet, but if can be added 
> with out hassle, then why not.   
>> Is a location (and by extension a timezone) associated with events like 
>> face-to-face meetings?
> No TZ affected location data is stored.  (All local areas.)

I'll ask again: What are you doing about DST?

> If you have any suggestions for how start planning for multiple TZ and UTC / 
> DST support, I would be very interested to hear.

UTC is neither an (external) "requirement" nor something your app 
"supports". Recording all times in a way that is independent of TZs and 
DST is necessary to avoid total confusion if your people and resources 
can be in more than one TZ or DST is used in the single TZ. UTC happens 
to be the obvious candidate for that way.

Plan to throw v1 away. v2 ("support UTC/DST/multiple TZs") will require 
starting from scratch. Plan for v3 ("support DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY, 
YYYY-MM-DD, etc etc date formats in the UI") and v4 ("support Unicode 
and multiple languages in the UI").

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